Colon Regenerator Ingredients


Psyllium Seeds and Husks

Rich in soluble fiber, Psyllium seeds and their husks have long been used to ease constipation and other digestion problems. A number of studies suggest that Psyllium may also be useful in lowering cholesterol, promoting weight loss (it makes you feel full), and aiding numerous other conditions.

Apple Pectin Powder

Lowers cholesterol and helps reduce the side effects of radiation therapy. In fact, it was used after Chernobyl to pull radioactive waste from victims. Apple Pectin is also another good source of fiber. It has the ability to form a gel which can bind water and toxins together, thus also bulking the stool and carrying the toxins out of the body.

Montmorillonite Clay

Montmorillonite Clay is a medicinal powdered clay derived from deposits of weathered volcanic ash. It is one of the most effective natural colon cleansing agents known capable of absorbing up to 40 times its weight in fecal matter. It is also capable of absorbing a wide variety of toxins in the intestinal tract. Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess.

According to the Canadian Journal of Microbiology (31 [1985], 50-53), Montmorillonite can absorb pathogenic viruses, aflatoxin (a mold), and pesticides and herbicides including Paraquat and Roundup. The clay is eventually eliminated from the body with the toxins bound to its multiple surfaces.

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal does essentially the same thing in your intestinal tract that a charcoal block does in your water filter. It attracts and traps thousands of times its own weight in gases, toxins, food additives and other chemicals. As a side note, it can absorb over 3,000 known drug residues, making it an essential ingredient in the Colon Detoxifier product.

Pau D'Arco Bark

Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia heptophylla) comes from the rain forests of Brazil and other areas of South America. This amazing herb nourishes the body's defense system and helps protect it. Pau D'Arco has been used for centuries for immune system support, detoxification, and to support general health of the body -- especially in the joints. Research has shown that Pau D'Arco cleanses the blood, an important functions for a healthy immune system.

Flax Seed Milled

Flaxseed contains approximately 28% soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, with about 30 - 40% of the total being soluble. Research has shown that fiber lowers cholesterol, modulates glucose, and improves gastro-intestinal function. Sufficient fiber in the diet is vital to good health. The average American only consumes about 8.75 grams of fiber per day, but you need between 25-30 grams of fiber a day. Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of lignans, a type of beneficial phytoestrogen. In fact, flax provides 75 - 800 times more plant lignans than virtually any other known plant source. This is important because studies have shown that flax lignans are colon cancer protective.

Marshmallow Root

The great demulcent and emollient properties of Marshmallow make it useful in inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal, and of the urinary and respiratory organs. Marshmallow's mucilage content helps soothe inflamed tissues -- not only in the intestinal tract, but also in the lungs making it beneficial in cases of bronchitis and asthma. The active biochemicals in Marshmallow are large carbohydrate (sugar) molecules, which make up the mucilage. This smooth, slippery substance can soothe and protect irritated mucous membranes, making it an essential healing ingredient in any colon cleansing product.

Marshmallow has been known to assist in indigestion, aid with the urinary tract, and even external skin wounds such as boils and abscesses. It is known to help ease the passage of kidney stones and is used in combination with other diuretic herbs for kidney therapy which assist in the release of gravel and stones. It works very well for urinary problems. Marshmallow also has factors which help to cleanse the body. This makes Marshmallow an excellent herb to add to other formulas to help neutralize toxins that are the causative factors of arthritis.

Marshmallow is also very soothing to any sore or inflamed part(s) of the body. As well as the urinary tract, this herb will soothe an irritated digestive tract and help with diarrhea or dysentery.

Slippery Elm Bark

The primary chemical constituents of Slippery Elm are mucilage (galactose), starch, tannins, calcium, vanadium, and zinc. The herb works with the body to draw out impurities and toxins, assisting with the healing of all body parts. And Slippery Elm's coating action also soothes the irritated tissues of the intestines, colon, urinary tract, and stomach ulcers.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root stimulates the production of digestive fluids and bile, soothes ulcers, helps reduce intestinal inflammation, and supports the healthy function of the kidneys, liver and bladder—allowing one to experience a soothing, healing effect while undergoing natural colon cleansing. Its action in soothing ulcers is unique. Rather than inhibit the release of acid, licorice root stimulates the normal defense mechanisms that ward off ulcer formation. Specifically, licorice root improves both the quality and quantity of the protective substances that line the intestinal tract; increases the life span of the intestinal cell; and improves blood supply to the intestinal lining.

Licorice Root has been shown to lessen symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. By enhancing cortisol activity, glycyrrhizin helps to increase energy, ease stress, and reduce the symptoms of ailments sensitive to cortisol levels, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. In the 1800s, licorice extract was a common remedy for a type of persistent fatigue known as neurasthenia, the condition now known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

The phytoestrogens in Licorice Root have a mild estrogenic effect, making the herb potentially useful in easing certain symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), such as irritability, bloating, and breast tenderness. Although the glycyrrhizin in Licorice Root actually inhibits the effect of the body's own estrogens, the mild estrogenic effect produced by licorice's phytoestrogens manages to override this inhibiting action. In addition, the phytoestrogens in licorice root may help to minimize menopausal symptoms by compensating somewhat for the natural decline in a woman's estrogen levels following menopause.

Fennel Seed

Fennel is a carminative herb that helps reduce colic, gas, indigestion, digestive disorders, assimilation, nausea, and flatulence. It also can help break up kidney stones and uric acid in the tissues and is therefore used in dealing with gout.

Fennel will help assist in the removal of mucus and phlegm from the lungs and it will also help rid the intestinal tract of mucus. Its natural colon cleansing properties also have a cleansing effect on the gall bladder and liver.

Fennel will help improve digestive health and quiet hiccups. This herb is useful in reducing intestinal and stomach gas—a key necessity for colon cleansing products.

What Ethically Wild Crafted Means

Wild crafting is the practice of harvesting plants from their natural, or "wild" habitat, for food or medicinal purposes. It means the plants are uncultivated, and harvesting takes place wherever they may be found. Ethical wild crafting means that the harvesting is done sustainably.