Third Party Testing
Baseline Nutritionals tests every batch of product for a number of things as required by cGMP, but we go beyond the requirements by testing every batch of product for heavy metals.
It seems like not a day goes by without a story in the news about heavy metals in consumer products. It’s enough to make you hysterical. We understand that the highest priorities in purchasing a dietary supplement are quality, and safety and we take these both very seriously.
Start with Quality – Clearly, a quality product begins with quality ingredients.
Safety – We use cGMP compliant manufacturing to ensure that the products follow the FDA guidelines and Jon’s specifications for quality, purity, and safety of all of the Baseline Nutritionals products.
After a product has been manufactured, we take the extra step to send it to a Third Party Laboratory for heavy metal testing. The labs we use are the best, they are ISO 17025 Accredited for testing heavy metals, and they must be GMP compliant in order to properly test dietary supplements. Yes, it costs more to send products out for testing to an ISO 17025 Accredited testing lab, but Jon Barron insists that Baseline take its mission statement--When Compromise Is Not an Option--very seriously. He doesn’t make his formulations for the casual supplement user, but for those who insist on using the best. And when it comes to testing laboratories, there are several levels of qualification for determining which lab to use. In descending order, they are:
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited (International Organization for Standardization). Accreditation is actually done on a test by test basis. In other words, a lab can be accredited to run tests on only a handful of heavy metals, or on the whole gamut. Testing for protein requires an entirely separate accreditation. And in fact, separate accreditations are required for testing wet proteins such as meat and dry proteins such as whey or rice protein powder
- cGMP compliant.
- GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) compliant.
- Having some equipment and doing your own thing.
At Baseline Nutritionals, we run every batch of every product through testing with labs that are ISO Accredited for the particular nutrient or contaminant that we're looking for. That's the best you can do! It costs more to run the tests through these labs, but our customers’ peace of mind is worth it!
At Baseline Nutritionals, we run every batch of every product through testing with labs that are ISO Accredited for the particular nutrient or contaminant that we're looking for. That's the best you can do! It costs more to run the tests through these labs, but our customers’ peace of mind is worth it!